【同义词辨析】 2020-04-13 前景prospect-foretaste

prospect: implies expectation of a particular event, condition, or development of definite interest or concern: the appealing ~ of a quiet weekend.   expect预期预计=anticipation, 如life expectancy预期寿命           (prospect前景常表示机会几率opportunity or possibility和当事人直接相关,如the prospects of promotion/peace晋升的机会/和平的前景,如good job/employment/career prospects美好的工作/就业/事业前途,在入学的前一年,一些prospective students会和父母先参观想考的大学,这里表示有意向的。名词prospectus表示预购股票预学生预购图书,Noah Webster词典最早以预购prospectus形式出售,富裕的人提前付钱,使Webster能够得以生存写作)

outlook: suggests a usually general forecasting of the future: a favorable ~ for the state's economy.   forecast预估预计,表示一个概率,而predict表示确定肯定而非概率       我们知道general有2个意思 1、通用普遍涉及大多数 2、总体的大概的不清楚具体的, 如general idea大意,如本例general forecasting对经济前景的大致预估         另外outlook还表示人生观世界观,对生活的观点看法,如the illness had a profound effect on his outlook这场病对他的人生观产生了深刻的影响,如most Western societies are liberal in outlook西方社会大多思想观念开放

anticipation: implies a prospect or outlook that involves advance suffering or enjoyment of what is foreseen: reviewing his notes in ~ of the next meeting.   伊索寓言有一篇〈海边的旅行者〉: 看到远处海面上有一个物体,开始以为是大船,物体接近后看好像是小船,待物体漂到岸边,才看清原来是一捆木头,感叹到"我们白白等待了we have waited for no purpose"。 寓意是"our mere anticipation of life outrun realities我们对生活的预期常常不符合实际",anticipation和其他词的区别是,它表示"采取了准备或行动",如本例复习笔记review his notes,如寓言中的守候等待waited for no purpose

foretaste: implies an actual though brief or partial experiencing of something that come later in full force: the ~frost was a ~ of winter.

prospect前景: 指预期的事物与当事人相关(interest利益或兴趣,concern关注),outlook前景: 通常指大致预估,anticipation预期预备: 增加了因此采取行动的意思,如先行享受或准备吃苦,foretaste预先体验品尝: 表示实际简短局部体验,后续会完整体验

记忆方法: 1)首字母POAF想成A Professor Of Finance金融学教授<==预期前景          

        2)前景的意思是对即将到来事物的预期mean an advance realization of something to come.  realize认识到意识到领会,如we realised something was wrong我们意识到有什么不对劲,如if you were in the Sahara, you would realize the value of fresh water如果你在撒哈拉沙漠, 就会认识到淡水的价值)   预期的意思是是"对未来情况的估计" ,是对未来的realization认识意识领会